Research Strategies

Modules supporting approaches to searching and research concepts, including topic and keyword help, identifying sources, and time management.

Assignment Calculator

Time management tool that outlines the process of researching and writing based on the due date.

Research Log

Customizable worksheet to support student reflection and peer learning during the research process.

Selecting a Topic

An infographic providing quick tips on selecting a topic.

Research Question Generator

Research question generation in 2 formats: printable worksheet and interactive online module.

Keyword Generator

Keyword generation help.

Narrowing Your Search

A short tutorial on limiting general database results.

Assessing Your Information

2 complementary worksheets that examine sources collectively.

Identifying Primary & Secondary Sources for Humanities and Social Sciences

LibWizard tutorial testing ability to identify items as primary or secondary sources.

Using Google Scholar

An infographic that provides an overview of using Google Scholar in the research process.

KWHL Worksheet